Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rutherford's Den

On Monday 30th March we went on a trip to the fascinating Rutherford's Den. When we arrived we lined up and climbed the creaking stairs, put dark gowns on and went into the lecture theatre. The gowns felt weird and we looked like Harry Potter.
Once we had sat down we got a clipboard and listened to a lecture. We found out that you got punished by being fined. Also, girls had to sit at the front and lots of students graffitied on the desks.
After the lecture, we split into five groups and we had a nose around five rooms. We investigated his timeline and his medals as we cruised around the museum. We discovered that he made a machine to produce electricity for his experiments and that he was one of the first people to explore radioactivity.
Although he was the fourth out of twelve children, he kept on trying and had a lot of patience. He never gave up and showed bravery and determination in his life. He died at the age of 66 in 1937.
We decided that the visit was fun, awesome, breathtaking, exciting, historical, interesting, magnificent, cool, amazing, fascinating, incredible and terrific.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dan and my triathlon

On Wednesday 25 th February, Dan and I did the triathlon.I did the swimming and Dan did the biking and running. Me and Dan waited for Nathan until an adult told us Nathan was ill ten minutes later. So I was at the side of the pool. I dived through the cool breeze and fell through ice cool water. I swam as fast as I could but it did not pay off. So then I ran to Dan and tagged him. 5 minutes later, when I finished getting dressed, I rushed to the finish line but Dan had already finished.
So I got a hot chocolate.

Friday, March 20, 2009

What is a hero?

A hero is an ordinary person acts ordinary and saves people from getting into trouble . some are strong Check Spelling

A hero is...

A invincible person who fights evil and also saves people's lives. some heroes have costumes, gadgets and other cool stuff

A hero is ..........

A hero is brave and stroing

A hero is always there for you

A hero is always there at the right time

A hero is haroic and mighty

A hero is super speedy fast

A hero fights away all your bullys

Watching a hero is a drmatic scene


a hero is...

A hero is someone you believe ,you trust and thats kind because you need someone to look out for you like a really good friend.

A hero is...

muscular,he stands up for other people,he sometimes wheres an awesome costume and has coolest car,he has a gadget belt on his costume and saves peoples lives because thats his job

A hero is...

A team player.
Because their nice.
Some have powers.
Some do not.
They battle evil.
They save people from danger.

A hero is...

muscular,he stands up for other people,he sometime where's an awesome costume and has the coolest car

Friday, March 13, 2009

A hero is...

A hero is... A person who saves lives and all ways by you 

A hero is........

strong fights enemy

What is a hero?

A hero is a person who makes your eyes sparkle,famous or not you can be one.A hero can be a shop keeper or even your friend! Heros don't have to wear costumes,they might be wearing there swimming togs!Most of the heros are people smart.
A hero is kind,brave,and helpful.Some are animals others are human.Some have cotsumes others wear everyday clothes.Some people don't know they are hero's others know they are hero's.By HannahW

A hero is........

A hero is ...........
Brave because he or she looks after people and make sure your ok.

a hero.

A hero is a teamplayer. A hero is a lifesaver. A hero has superpowers. A hero is great. A hero is famous. A hero is a hero.

my hero

A hero is... cool, strong, powerful, smart, fast, always on duty.

A hero is ..........

A hero is someone you look up to and someone who has done a great deed.

example 1:Like Sir Edmund Hillary he showed to people that you can accomplish things that know one would think of doing.


A hero is brave because it never
gives up and saves people from

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Heroes Listening Quiz Winners

Today we did a quiz about heroes and listened to music and recordings before answering multiple choice questions. The winners were Wesley and Jarred and Mia and Gabby. They scored 11 out of 11. Well done.
From Mugshots

From Mugshots

From Mugshots

From Mugshots

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


 these are the words that the class came up with:

Parts,pups,Pus,Satrap(Mr Holland),Tar,Sup,Apt,Papa,Arts

Monday, March 2, 2009

Photo demonstration

This is a demonstration of adding a photo to a blog post.

From Australia 2009