Thursday, October 29, 2009

In the beginning of our production room 16 did parklife and every body had a funny bit.
The show was about three kids and an evil administrator

our production

sparkle taker
I did a play in the Niyomash theater I was the evil Administrator .I had the hardest part I had to make my costume and I made a voice hard acting .I Had to look ugly.
I was only in the park life when I was doing the production.
I loved when I was on the stage but I didn't like when I was waiting in the Shelly room.

number1 show

I was a tech wizard in the show . I was creating visual effects I was up in the box
there were lots of Buttons and switch's it was rely fun

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sparkle Taker

Last week there was a fabulous production done by the middle school called 'Sparkle Taker'.We had been practising for weeks for last Thursday to come.When it was finally the day I was trembling in the wings when it was my turn I gave it all I got at the end I went home,smiling!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The worlds best production!

Guess what? I've seen the worlds best production...and acted in it!It was called SPARKLE TAKER,it's about three friends(Henrietta,Willamina and Ben)who find out that an evil administrator has hypnotised all their teachers!!!they go to 4 different movies(Cars,Toys story,The incredibles and Monsters inc.) and learn about the 5
key competencies(Dream maker,Comunicater,

The fantabulas production

On Thursday the 14Th of October the middle team did a production THE SPARKLE TAKER..........
Gabby is miss Scolden the strict hypnotized teacher who is in charge of detention she likes drinking tea and being mean to children
Dion is a school tennis player with Tom and is also a dreary detention kid who gets his tennis racket taken of him. The production was a great success! and loads of fun.

the superb production

Last week we had our production,it was so fun!
It was called SPARKLE TAKER if you don't know what that means that means sparkle taker! the classes who did participated were room 15,18,19,17,21 and of course RM 16 THE COOLEST CLASS ON EARTH! There was a lot of waiting in the green room and guess what?ROOM 16 WERE THE BEST BEHAVED !!!! are you sure? I thought the teachers thought we were noisy! I'M VERY,POSITIVELY,DEFINITELY SURE THAT ROOM 16 WERE THE BEST BEHAVED!!!!!!!



Today is finally the big day!!!!!!!!Were going to perform in front of about millons of people in one hour !!!!!!!!!Right now were crouding on stage when our teacher said that our school was coming!!!!!!!So we raced to the wings and screamed in our heads!!!!!!!!

Great Prodution!

Sparkle Taker was the show the middle Team did. Room 16 did the first part in the
production. Our 2 songs were Bad hair day and Park life.Anna's part was a Basketball player, a Detention Kid and a Dancer.Ian's part was a Guitar Player & a Detention Kid.

sparkle taker

My part was slipping over while Chris was holding a sign that said DANGER SLIPPERY SURFACE! and on the other side it said I TOLD YOU :(

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Birthday party

In the holidays I had my birthday party it was a science party with lots of experiments.
We had water balloons I got hit right in the back it was really fun! my Grandma and Grandad and
came down from Wellington

Sunday, October 4, 2009

how to make fizzy sherbet

1 cup icing sugar
1 tsp citric acid
1 tsp tartic acid
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp raro

mix all ingrediants together.
To be enjoyed mixed with water or juice optional to make a fizzy drink
or just a fizzy powder.