Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My fractured pinky toe.

On Sunday I was running in the house and ended up have my little toe caught by the skirting board.Then I let out a little cry and then mum looked at my my toe and said, Hannah don't look and what did I do I  looked! I started SCREAMING! my dad was in the garage he thought it was a spider he came in and saw it and said its dislocated and they rushed me to the doctors and the lady at the reception said X-ray STAT! I got taken to a room and got put on laughing gas. I got taken to the x-ray room and had three x-rays  and after the x-ray was ready my parents got told that I had to get taken to hospital to get it pulled back so I arrived at the hospital  and got put on a bed again  and had laughing gas again and watched the bee movie and I had to get two needle pricks in my sore toe  and then with out any pain they pulled it back into place without me knowing  and then they taped it to the next toe  and said I had to use crutches for three weeks!
 thats the story about my  pinky toe 

the end.

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