Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Today is Tuesday the 15th of December,2009.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How I feel about tech wizard training

Hilary:I feel that I needed some more information about computers so that is why I signed up and I'm really enjoying it so far.I signed up for a few techno stuff and I'm really proud I did it.I think Annabel and Hannah are really great teachers!

Ella:I think that Hannah and Annabel are doing really well being a tech wizard.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

In the beginning of our production room 16 did parklife and every body had a funny bit.
The show was about three kids and an evil administrator

our production

sparkle taker
I did a play in the Niyomash theater I was the evil Administrator .I had the hardest part I had to make my costume and I made a voice hard acting .I Had to look ugly.
I was only in the park life when I was doing the production.
I loved when I was on the stage but I didn't like when I was waiting in the Shelly room.

number1 show

I was a tech wizard in the show . I was creating visual effects I was up in the box
there were lots of Buttons and switch's it was rely fun

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sparkle Taker

Last week there was a fabulous production done by the middle school called 'Sparkle Taker'.We had been practising for weeks for last Thursday to come.When it was finally the day I was trembling in the wings when it was my turn I gave it all I got at the end I went home,smiling!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The worlds best production!

Guess what? I've seen the worlds best production...and acted in it!It was called SPARKLE TAKER,it's about three friends(Henrietta,Willamina and Ben)who find out that an evil administrator has hypnotised all their teachers!!!they go to 4 different movies(Cars,Toys story,The incredibles and Monsters inc.) and learn about the 5
key competencies(Dream maker,Comunicater,

The fantabulas production

On Thursday the 14Th of October the middle team did a production THE SPARKLE TAKER..........
Gabby is miss Scolden the strict hypnotized teacher who is in charge of detention she likes drinking tea and being mean to children
Dion is a school tennis player with Tom and is also a dreary detention kid who gets his tennis racket taken of him. The production was a great success! and loads of fun.

the superb production

Last week we had our production,it was so fun!
It was called SPARKLE TAKER if you don't know what that means that means sparkle taker! the classes who did participated were room 15,18,19,17,21 and of course RM 16 THE COOLEST CLASS ON EARTH! There was a lot of waiting in the green room and guess what?ROOM 16 WERE THE BEST BEHAVED !!!! are you sure? I thought the teachers thought we were noisy! I'M VERY,POSITIVELY,DEFINITELY SURE THAT ROOM 16 WERE THE BEST BEHAVED!!!!!!!



Today is finally the big day!!!!!!!!Were going to perform in front of about millons of people in one hour !!!!!!!!!Right now were crouding on stage when our teacher said that our school was coming!!!!!!!So we raced to the wings and screamed in our heads!!!!!!!!

Great Prodution!

Sparkle Taker was the show the middle Team did. Room 16 did the first part in the
production. Our 2 songs were Bad hair day and Park life.Anna's part was a Basketball player, a Detention Kid and a Dancer.Ian's part was a Guitar Player & a Detention Kid.

sparkle taker

My part was slipping over while Chris was holding a sign that said DANGER SLIPPERY SURFACE! and on the other side it said I TOLD YOU :(

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Birthday party

In the holidays I had my birthday party it was a science party with lots of experiments.
We had water balloons I got hit right in the back it was really fun! my Grandma and Grandad and
came down from Wellington

Sunday, October 4, 2009

how to make fizzy sherbet

1 cup icing sugar
1 tsp citric acid
1 tsp tartic acid
1 tsp baking soda
2 tsp raro

mix all ingrediants together.
To be enjoyed mixed with water or juice optional to make a fizzy drink
or just a fizzy powder.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Marae

On Thursday the middle school visited the Marae . We met the manager of it who is called Barry. He taught us about himself ,his ancesters and the owner of the place. There were lots of pictures on the wall and we sang Te Aroha and E toru nga mea. After morning tea we greeted in the yr 3s.We had such a fun day!

Monday, August 31, 2009


Thailand is a wonderful place to go on holiday.Watch the elephants go about on the streets as you have a ride in a puk puk.The largest mall in Bangkok is Siam Paragon.One non-popular village called Buriram wich is hot and sweaty is the dryest place in Thailand. Sawati Ka!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


last Saturday my rugby team played in a rugby tournament out in the country side we got in to the finals AND WE LOST 4 TRIES TO O


Gas turbine engne

I am going to build a gas turbine engine LPG gas .I will use a turbo from a car I will connect it to a combustion chamber
I will use a spark plug to start a combustion it will suck air into the intake and it will change the air into thrust .on airplanes thrust pushes it fords.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Today I am going to get wii resort

Today me and my sister are going to get wii resort.The games are cycling,archery,sword fights and more.Oh yeah! yesterday I got a new nunchuck me and my sister played boxing on the wii my sister won then we played fantastic four rise of the silver surfer then we stopped playing the game . ...THE END...

ryans weekend

In the weekend I went with my brother to play soccer in Jeffery's park. We had lot's of fun. After that we went home. Then we played rugby. It was lots of fun .

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Production Title

Jins bowling party!

On the 23rd of august I went to Jins Bowling party! I was the second person to arrive. I was so excited because I had not been bowling for 2 YEARS! so once everyone arrived we put on our bowling shoes and started on our game Jin was up first then Lucy then Hilary then me then gabby and last but not least Victoria. Gabby and I made up a name for this orange bowling ball we named him Olly Orange ball. I didn't use any other ball except Olly. Once the game was over and after we ate food we got two coins each to play a game in the arcade I won 36 tickets and got 3 smiley face rubbers and a lolly. On the way home I ate my lolly and then my tooth came out but don't worry because it was very wiggly before! it was a very fun Sunday

the end

The chocolate coated brocoli.

Chocolate coated broccoli,tuna flavoured ice cream and rotten liver,all truly disgusting things.I wonder,who will invent those things???A MYSTERY!!!!!
But why oh why did people invent Brussels sprouts ??????because they had to
I guess...BUT WHY?????????????Any way I really LOVE chocolate and

The End


"Gosh! Today it is so so so so HOT! Right now Natasha and I are about to burst because we are so boiling . We were out side on the playground Playing Busted. Right now Mr Holland said "we are going to go out for a game, "Oh no said Hannah and I we do not feel like going for a game when it is so hot outside. but its impossible ! Hopefully he will change his mind!



On satrday the 22nd of August I played a prank on my dads friend from work. I said that I was a cop called Godferry at first he belived me but I could'nt keep a strait face and burst out laughing then he said "is that you gab " I said "no it is Godferry! and I would like to buy the black cherry Cadillac"no he said we sold it sorry " have not I said now tell me how much was it " 5o000" then I said you shall go to jail for 500000000 years now goodbye.

Monday, August 24, 2009


William (Anna's brother) got a scholarship, to christcollege an all boys school. Which is year 9-13
school.His house is somme's which his friends and,his cousin Ben is in.William was very pleased
and happy.That he got a scholarship there at that school.He wanted to go to that school for all
his life!!**#! That was his Number 1# school!! It will be a fantastic school for him!*!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009





Thursday, July 30, 2009


On the 11Th of August  Its my Birthday and I am allowed to have a party this is who I am having Mia,Jin,Hilary . We are going to go out for tea at a restaurant called La Porchetta its a Italian  restaurant 

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hannah's Mum's first blog,

Nice to see some great work on here and some photos from that fabulous camp... It would be great to see some work from Hannah W. How about it Hannah???

Friday, May 29, 2009

How to turn your teacher into a Angry person

You will need,
A broken record player that says bu bu bu#100,00000.
Full cup of coffee.
1/2 a cup of Snakes blood.
50 rude children.
Super glue.
What to do:

1) Get into the class room before the teacher!!
2) Next find the broken record player and the super glue. Put lots of glue on the record player.
3) Then push the record onto the back of the teachers chair and turn it on.
4) Pour the snakes blood into his coffee.Throw his old coffee away.
5) Put the rest of the glue on the teacher's chair!!
6) Get the rude children and annoy him with them
7) Finally you will know that he is angry when he starts to yell and turns red (this won't be pleasant!!!)


Friday, May 22, 2009

Fab Fun Camp!

On the 11th of May rm 16,18,15 went to Woodend Christan camp. When I first arrived my bottom jaw dropped open because it looked so, so, so FUN!  We were told the that we had to  bring our bags into our bunk rooms. My bunk room's number was number 5. The people in my bunk room were: Natasha, Caitlin, Hailey, Ruby, Sophie and Sarah and of course Natasha's Mum, Mel. As soon as we had finished unpacking we went outside to  play, the first  thing I went on was the Maypole. It was so fun and then  the the bell rang to come and get ready to our first activities  of the day. The first activity I did was thinking skills and horse riding. I went on the horse called Scotty. He was wearing tartan for his coat to keep him warm and cozy for the cold days. I thought camp was so, so, so, so FUN.  I did the talent night. I  danced to beat it. I would love to go it again sometime.  Here's a photo  of me doing rock climbing.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Millo the bunny

On Tuesday the 5th of May Hailey brought in her bunny named Milo. We found out that he eats carrots, blueberries, lettuce, and rabbit food but doesn't like apples (how unusual).We also found out that he is 2 in a half. He got lots of pats and cuddles he is nice, friendly,cuddly, furry and soft.Everyone gave him lots of pats and some gave food.He has long floppy ears and a short fluffy tail his feet look like humans feet except with lots of hair.We really enjoyed the company of the furry animal it is a little different for most of us who have got different pets like cats,dogs,birds,fish,and mice.Hailey told us some of the things that he gets up to behind her back here are some of them.One day he tried to nibble out of his cage but luckily it was solid plastic.One day he ran away we were all really worried so we went inside and he was in his favourite place witch was behind the fire pit. even though he can be a bit naughty he is a very good bunny.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Ben's Book Review of Poor Mans Gold by Kath beattie

Hi my name is Ben and I have read a book called Poor Mans Gold. It is about a boy called Reuben who lived with his family and they owned the general store. Their family didn't pay off their mortgage and they were moved out of their house and they lived in a tent. Reuben's Dad got a job in another store. Reuben got a job gum digging. He liked the dallies, who are people from Dalmatia who also worked in the gum fields. Unfortunately his brother died. Better things happened for Reuben and his family.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My fractured pinky toe.

On Sunday I was running in the house and ended up have my little toe caught by the skirting board.Then I let out a little cry and then mum looked at my my toe and said, Hannah don't look and what did I do I  looked! I started SCREAMING! my dad was in the garage he thought it was a spider he came in and saw it and said its dislocated and they rushed me to the doctors and the lady at the reception said X-ray STAT! I got taken to a room and got put on laughing gas. I got taken to the x-ray room and had three x-rays  and after the x-ray was ready my parents got told that I had to get taken to hospital to get it pulled back so I arrived at the hospital  and got put on a bed again  and had laughing gas again and watched the bee movie and I had to get two needle pricks in my sore toe  and then with out any pain they pulled it back into place without me knowing  and then they taped it to the next toe  and said I had to use crutches for three weeks!
 thats the story about my  pinky toe 

the end.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Rutherford's Den

On Monday 30th March we went on a trip to the fascinating Rutherford's Den. When we arrived we lined up and climbed the creaking stairs, put dark gowns on and went into the lecture theatre. The gowns felt weird and we looked like Harry Potter.
Once we had sat down we got a clipboard and listened to a lecture. We found out that you got punished by being fined. Also, girls had to sit at the front and lots of students graffitied on the desks.
After the lecture, we split into five groups and we had a nose around five rooms. We investigated his timeline and his medals as we cruised around the museum. We discovered that he made a machine to produce electricity for his experiments and that he was one of the first people to explore radioactivity.
Although he was the fourth out of twelve children, he kept on trying and had a lot of patience. He never gave up and showed bravery and determination in his life. He died at the age of 66 in 1937.
We decided that the visit was fun, awesome, breathtaking, exciting, historical, interesting, magnificent, cool, amazing, fascinating, incredible and terrific.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Dan and my triathlon

On Wednesday 25 th February, Dan and I did the triathlon.I did the swimming and Dan did the biking and running. Me and Dan waited for Nathan until an adult told us Nathan was ill ten minutes later. So I was at the side of the pool. I dived through the cool breeze and fell through ice cool water. I swam as fast as I could but it did not pay off. So then I ran to Dan and tagged him. 5 minutes later, when I finished getting dressed, I rushed to the finish line but Dan had already finished.
So I got a hot chocolate.

Friday, March 20, 2009

What is a hero?

A hero is an ordinary person acts ordinary and saves people from getting into trouble . some are strong Check Spelling

A hero is...

A invincible person who fights evil and also saves people's lives. some heroes have costumes, gadgets and other cool stuff

A hero is ..........

A hero is brave and stroing

A hero is always there for you

A hero is always there at the right time

A hero is haroic and mighty

A hero is super speedy fast

A hero fights away all your bullys

Watching a hero is a drmatic scene


a hero is...

A hero is someone you believe ,you trust and thats kind because you need someone to look out for you like a really good friend.

A hero is...

muscular,he stands up for other people,he sometimes wheres an awesome costume and has coolest car,he has a gadget belt on his costume and saves peoples lives because thats his job

A hero is...

A team player.
Because their nice.
Some have powers.
Some do not.
They battle evil.
They save people from danger.

A hero is...

muscular,he stands up for other people,he sometime where's an awesome costume and has the coolest car

Friday, March 13, 2009

A hero is...

A hero is... A person who saves lives and all ways by you 

A hero is........

strong fights enemy

What is a hero?

A hero is a person who makes your eyes sparkle,famous or not you can be one.A hero can be a shop keeper or even your friend! Heros don't have to wear costumes,they might be wearing there swimming togs!Most of the heros are people smart.
A hero is kind,brave,and helpful.Some are animals others are human.Some have cotsumes others wear everyday clothes.Some people don't know they are hero's others know they are hero's.By HannahW

A hero is........

A hero is ...........
Brave because he or she looks after people and make sure your ok.

a hero.

A hero is a teamplayer. A hero is a lifesaver. A hero has superpowers. A hero is great. A hero is famous. A hero is a hero.

my hero

A hero is... cool, strong, powerful, smart, fast, always on duty.

A hero is ..........

A hero is someone you look up to and someone who has done a great deed.

example 1:Like Sir Edmund Hillary he showed to people that you can accomplish things that know one would think of doing.


A hero is brave because it never
gives up and saves people from

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Heroes Listening Quiz Winners

Today we did a quiz about heroes and listened to music and recordings before answering multiple choice questions. The winners were Wesley and Jarred and Mia and Gabby. They scored 11 out of 11. Well done.
From Mugshots

From Mugshots

From Mugshots

From Mugshots

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


 these are the words that the class came up with:

Parts,pups,Pus,Satrap(Mr Holland),Tar,Sup,Apt,Papa,Arts

Monday, March 2, 2009

Photo demonstration

This is a demonstration of adding a photo to a blog post.

From Australia 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Team Triathlon

I am really looking forward to the team triathlon.

Friday, February 13, 2009

my drawing

Today was Friday the 13th, the unluckiest day. Anyway, I myself did a great drawing.

Author's visit

yesterday we met two Author's in the villige and I got secrit agent


In the holiday I went to Dipton we stay on a farm with our friends.They had 600 acers they also had 7 sheep and 4 Moter bikes. I rid on 2 of them we caved in rabbit holes and chased sheep we also shot a rooster.We caught lobsters shot 8 rabbits.This was the best part we slept in the caravan . Then we went to the Alex we went swimming went in a maze this was my best holiday
ever.The end

Authors came to school

Yesterday 2 Authors came to school.
 their books were called go girl and zac power
We got to make a character for the next go girl book and some people got some spy names from zac power author.
 the go girls next book name was yasmin  she  was 9 and a yr 5  zacs  next book is  carnival crazy...... well we think thats what she said! 
hope you enjoyed reading our post

Authors came to school

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Classroom resources

On the top right hand of the Blog page is a section called Classroom resources. This contains links to websites used in class that could also be explored at home.
I hope you like the new colour for the Blog.

Mr Holland

Monday, February 9, 2009

today we are doing orienteering

Today we are doing orienteering
this means that we have to go round the school in pairs and work as a team to find
things this will be our first try at it
we are going to have fun!

from room 16!